
I have been teaching writing for 20+ years. I keep doing it because every time I do it, I still get parts wrong and still learn new things. My current position – “Associate Teaching Professor” – is the perfect position for me because it prioritizes my teaching and also honors my research. It’s an unusual position at most universities – a position with all the benefits of tenure (job security, sabbaticals, etc.) with a primary emphasis on teaching.

My Courses

My courses are always changing, but some iterations of the classes I’m currently teaching are below. If you take a course with me, you can expect honesty and concrete opportunities to become a better writer. You can also expect too many memes and gifs that I find entertaining.

UCSC ~ sample syllabi – I change these courses each time I teach them!

Writing 1 (Winter 2021- remote)

Writing 2 (Fall 2021 – mostly in-person)

Writing 203 (syllabus available upon request)