All of my research is centered in equity, mostly within my sub-discipline of disability studies in rhetoric, composition, and writing studies. I work to push the boundaries of what counts as “disability work.” Selected publications are below.
Selected Articles:

“Beyond Choice: Infertility and/as Disability.” Peitho, vol. 26, no. 4, 2024, pp. 55-85. (PDF version).

“Counting Grief, Or, It Takes a Sabbatical to Write a Eulogy.” Journal of Multimodal Rhetorics, special issue on Carework and Writing, vol. 6, no 2, 2022, np.

“The Biggest Little Ways Toward Access: Thinking With Disability in Site-Specific Rhetorical Work.” Review of Communication 20.2 (2020): 161-169.

“Building Disability, Rhetoric, and Composition through Mentorship: An Interview with Cynthia Lewiecki-Wilson.” Composition Forum 39 (Summer 2018).

“Diagnosing Disability, Disease, and Disorder Online: Disclosure, Dismay, and Student Research.” Negotiating Disability: Disclosure and Higher Education. Eds. Stephanie Kerschbaum, Laura Eisenman, and James Jones. University of Michigan, 2017.

“Productive Chaos: Disability, Advising, and the Writing Process.” With Griffin Keedy. Praxis: A Writing Center Journal 14.1 (2016): 21-26.

“Disabling Writing Program Administration.” Writing Program Administration 38.2 (Spring 2015): 32-55. Received the Kenneth Bruffee Award. Reprinted in Landmark Essays In Writing Program Administration.

“Hysterical Again: The Gastrointestinal Woman in Medical Discourse.” Journal of Medical Humanities 34.1(March 2013): 33-57.

“Seeing What We Know: Disability and Theories of Metaphor.” Journal of Literary and Cultural Disability Studies 4.1 (2010): 33-54.

“Rhetorical Hiccups: Disability Disclosure in Letters of Recommendation.” Rhetoric Review 28.2 (April 2009): 185-204.